
Little Brother

Published in the Reedsburg Independent, 2010, under the headline, "Spring cleaning at the skatepark." Taken at the skatepark on Granite Avenue, Reedsburg, Wisconsin.

My brother and his friends were cleaning the skatepark of all the leftover fall leaves one afternoon, maybe around March, and they called me to come take a photo. It was a slow day at the office, and besides that, I love making those punk skateboarders look good. Sure, there are always a few bad apples in any group, but that park has been maintained solely by local skateboarders since they campaigned to build it a few years back. They really put their minds to projects when it's something they care about.

Anyway, it was one of those crisp, early spring days that still have a slight chill of winter but the hope of spring, with sunshine and all that complimenting the crisp air. The guys had mostly finished by the time I got there but they still broke out the brooms so I could get a few shots. The one above is my little brother (not so little anymore) doing a trick off the box.

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