

Taken at the Allen Centennial Gardens, University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, May 2010. I don't know what kind of flower it is, but it reminds me of Dr. Seuss.

I went to a local camera store today. Those places always make me so nervous because even though I've been taking Indy pics for over two years now and I enjoy what I'm doing, I have no clue really what I'm doing, technically speaking, and I feel like everyone else is so much smarter than me at it. I can never get over that inferiority complex with anything I do - writing, taking pictures, selling cat food. But I digress.

Anyway, I was shopping around for a fitted case to put around my camera so I could toss it into my purse and not worry about my purse destroying it (happens more often than you'd think). The case I have is nice but cumbersome - too many straps and too bulky, too many pockets for things to fall out of. A super nice and knowledgeable guy helped me pick one out but when I handed my camera to him (he's only the fourth person I've let hold it), he pointed out that it was covered in makeup and dirt (and probably tears - my right eye always waters when I take pictures). Filthy. I've only had it since the end of May, but it's something I use for work a lot, so it goes everywhere with me. I was pretty embarrassed, but he was nice enough to clean it for me and recommend some cleaning things I should be doing.

I probably gave the poor guy a heart attack, talking about how I just want to throw my expensive camera into my purse, how I got foundation all over the LED screen. I promise I'll take better care of my baby in the future. :)

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